College and Career Readiness: A Dialogue Series

April 17, 2018 • Mid-States Technical College, Stevens Point • 9am-3pm

The Wisconsin Mathematics Council (WMC) and Wisconsin Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (WI-AMTE) recently released a joint statement describing what college readiness in mathematics looks like for all students.
In addition, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is set to release Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conversations, a document which has the potentially to meaningfully reshape the landscape of high school mathematics.

Join us for a day-long dialogue about college and career readiness, designed to answer the following questions:
• What does effective mathematics teaching that supports college and career readiness look like in high schools?
• What innovations are being implemented in entry-level university mathematics teaching that supports reasoning and sense making?
• How can high schools be thinking about coherent mathematics pathways for students to support college and career readiness for all students?

We will engage in example mathematical activities from entry-level university mathematics courses, discuss innovative practices in high school course design, and identify questions for further discussion and study to be presented to state leadership at the WMC Annual Meeting in May.

Middle and high school teachers, curriculum directors and specialists, coaches, and university mathematics educators are all welcome to attend!

To RSVP, please fill out the following form no later than April 10th:
Registration is free. Lunch will be provided at a $5 cash cost.

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