Calling Wisconsin Math Teacher Educators!
The Wisconsin Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (WI-AMTE) invites you be part of a renewed effort to strengthen relationships and build partnerships among K-12 schools and institutes of higher education. If you teach pre-service mathematics teachers, work with student teachers, mentor practicing teachers, or have ideas or need ideas for how to better develop and support high-quality mathematics teachers in Wisconsin, then this conference is for you!
This in-person conference will be held at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh on October 26-27, 2022. The conference will run from approximately 4:00 pm -8:30 pm on Wednesday October 26 (including a conference dinner) and from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm on Thursday October 27.
Conference Quick Links:
- Conference Program
- Conference Resource Page
- Conference Registration Page
- Lodging Information
- Map and Driving/Parking Directions
Building Partnerships: Working to Establish Effective K-16 Relationships to Recruit, Develop, and Support Quality Mathematics Teaching in Wisconsin
The Second Annual Conference of the WI-AMTE
In-person at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
October 26-27, 2022
Conference Highlights
Wednesday October 26: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
- Keynote Address by Josh Recio, Course Program Specialist at the Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Josh will bring his experience as a high school math teacher, curriculum coordinator, and lead for the Dana Center’s Launch Years Initiative to discuss the national landscape in the modernization and alignment of K-12 and higher education mathematics, researched-based recommendations on how to prepare students for success beyond high school, and how to rally support for policy changes that improve mathematics education.
- Session on The State of Mathematics Teaching in Wisconsin: Making the Case for K-16 Partnerships. What are the current issues facing math teachers, school districts and math teacher education and what should be done to address these issues? What new policies and upcoming legislation will impact K-16 mathematics education? Why are partnerships between schools and higher education so important right now?
- Conference Dinner focused on relationship building and collaboration, including a Math Education Trivia Game!
Thursday October 27: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
- Session on Showcase of Successful K-16 Partnerships: People who have designed and participated in K-16 partnerships share their experience, expertise, and advice on how to develop and maintain partnerships between schools and higher education.
- Session on Getting Started in Developing a Partnership: Information on funding sources, grant writing, DPI and UW System initiatives and resources, and other opportunities for help in starting a partnership.
- Working Groups: Get together with people from school districts and higher education interested in a particular issue or area of need and start discussing avenues for starting a partnership to addressing that issue. Working Group topics include:
- The Teacher Shortage: New Teacher Recruitment and Retention
- Student Teacher Models and New Teacher Mentoring
- Modernizing Secondary Math for College Readiness
- Closing the Opportunity Gap for Special Ed, Rural, and Students of Color
- Investigative Teaching with Mathematics Practices
Why You Should Attend this Conference:
Whether you are a mathematics teacher or district mathematics leader, or a university mathematics teacher educator, the WI-AMTE Conference can help:
- Provide you with access to a network of district leaders, teachers, and higher education faculty interested in strengthening mathematics education
- Facilitate collaborations between districts and universities in designing and implementing teacher professional development
- Create a forum to discuss challenges in mathematics learning and how those challenges can be addressed through K-16 collaboration
- Connect national and statewide mathematics teacher education policy and resources to local district issues and practice in meaningful ways
Conference Participation Format
Everyone who registers for the conference will have the opportunity, if they would like, to appear in the program as a presenter. On the registration form we will ask you if there is a session you would like to contribute to, or if you have a proposal for a presentation that fits into the conference theme. You are of course also welcome to attend without presenting, to gather information, get ideas, and meet with others who are interested in developing a K-16 partnership.
Update: We are no longer accepting proposals for conference presentations, but it’s not too late to register to attend, be part of the conversation and join a working group.
This will be an in-person conference taking place on the UW Oshkosh Campus. We will follow all university, CDC and Wisconsin DHS guidelines and requirements. Currently UW Oshkosh does not have an indoor mask mandate.
Conference Registration
To register for the conference, visit our Conference Registration Page. Registration remains open.
Conference Registration fees are $80 for WI-AMTE Members, or $100 for non-members. We also have a $50 rate for K-12 Teachers and Graduate Students.
The conference registration fee includes dinner on Wednesday October 26, and breakfast and lunch on Thursday October 27.
If you are not a member of WI-AMTE, or need to renew your membership, you can become a member or renew your membership as part of registering for the conference, as the non-member rate includes a complementary WI-AMTE membership for the 2022-23 year.
Conference Links:
- Conference Program
- Conference Resource Page
- Conference Registration Page
- Lodging Information
- Map and Driving/Parking Directions
For Questions or Comments about the Conference…
… please contact the conference committee chair Eric Kuennen at