4th Annual Conference Registration Page

Registration for the 4rd Annual WI-AMTE Conference is now open!

Call for Proposals: If you would like to present at the conference in one of our contributed talk sessions, you will have the opportunity to include a title and abstract for your proposal as part of the Conference Registration Google form (see link below).

Conference Registration fees are $80 for WI-AMTE Members, or $100 for non-members. We also have a $50 rate for K-12 Teachers and Graduate or Undergraduate Students.

The conference registration fee includes dinner on Wednesday October 23, and breakfast and lunch on Thursday October 24.

If you are not a member of WI-AMTE, or need to renew your membership for the 2024-25 year, you can become a member or renew your membership as part of registering for the conference. Just choose the $100 non-member rate, since your registration fee for the Annual Meeting includes a 1-year complimentary membership to WI-AMTE.

Registration Instructions:

To register you should complete the following two (2) steps:

Step One: Fill in and submit you registration information on the 4th Annual Conference Registration Google Form.

Step Two: Pay your registration fee. When you submit your registration form (see Step One above), the confirmation page will give a link to pay your fee through PayPal. Or you can come back to this page and use this link: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/S68T4TTW4GWHU

This will open a new window where you will choose your registration fee rate from the drop-menu, and then choose your method of payment.

  • Choose Non-member rate ($100) if you are not a WI-AMTE member, or if you are a member and would like to renew your membership for 2023-24 through the complimentary WI-AMTE membership that comes with your conference registration.
  • Choose WI-AMTE Member Rate ($80) only if are paying your $20 membership dues for 2023-24 separately. Here’s the link to pay your membership dues separately.
  • Choose the K-12 Teacher & Grad/Undergrad Student Rate ($50) if you are from one of those populations. You will also receive a complimentary 2023-24 WI-AMTE membership.

Conference Links: