Preliminary Conference Program
Wednesday October 23: 4:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Plenary Address by Matt Renwick
4:30-5:20 pm, Sage Hall 1216
Rethinking Student Engagement: Five Essential Conditions for Lifelong Learning and Leadership. The concept of “engagement” is multifaceted and sometimes challenging to define. What captivates one student might leave another disengaged. In this presentation, Matt Renwick, systems coach and author, introduces a new approach to achieving student success. He outlines five essential conditions that foster not only engagement but also empower students to become lifelong learners and leaders. Participants will leave with a practical framework to help position students as architects of their own journey toward excellence..
Matt Renwick, Systems Coach, CESA 3
Keynote Address by Ellie Olson
5:30-6:20 pm, Sage Hall 1216
The Energy Bus. We will discover the power of positive energy and leadership as we delve into the principles that drive personal and professional success, inspired by Jon Gordon’s renowned book “The Energy Bus”. Buckle up as we explore the driver’s seat of your life and career, fueling your journey with passion, purpose, and unwavering positivity. Whether you’re navigating change or inspiring others, hop on board and accelerate toward a brighter, more fulfilling future
Ellie Olson, Leadership Coaching/Educator Effectiveness Coordinator, CESA 3
Conference Dinner
7:00-9:00 pm, Fox River Brewing Company Waterfront Restaurant
Our conference dinner will be at the Fox River Brewing Company Waterfront Restaurant. Social (half) hour starts at 6:45. Buffet service will begin at 7:15. At about 8:00 we will start our Math Education Trivia Contest!
Thursday October 24: 7:30 am – 2:00 pm
Coffee, Juice, and Pastries will be available in Reeve 212 starting at 7:15 am
Session 0: WI-AMTE Annual Business Meeting
7:30-8:00, Reeve 212
All WI-AMTE members are welcome to attend. On the agenda are approving the annual dues, soliciting nominations for open board positions, and discussing potential changes to the Constitution and By-laws.
Session 1: Updates from the DPI
8:10-8:30 am, Reeve 212
Mary Mooney (WI Department of Public Instruction). Update on statewide initiatives in math education.
Session 2: Re-engaging Students in Mathematical Practices
8:40-11:30 am Reeve 212
Posing purposeful questions to enhance students reasoning and construction of viable arguments. Lisa Hennessey, UW Madison. During this session, we will explore ways that preservice teachers build up their toolkit of questioning as a pedagogical move to enhance students reasoning and construction of viable arguments. This will include a presentation that couples methods coursework with supervision in alignment to these standards for mathematical practice through the effective teaching practice of posing purposeful questions. There will be moments for audience engagement as practitioners as educators as well as teacher educators.
How we model fractions matters. Maria Franshaw, UW Parkside. Conceptual fraction understanding is critical to upper elementary students’ ongoing success in mathematics: MS, HS, and beyond. Fraction understanding also impacts students’ HS science participation and achievement, their future career and college options, and income and income growth, and much more. In this session, we’ll engage in research-based fraction learning to best support our students and teachers.
What do you mean by that? Interpreting models of concepts in mathematics . Amy Parrott, UW Oshkosh. Abstract to Appear.
Modeling projectile motion with a ball, a tape measure, and an iPhone. Eric Kuennen and John Beam, UW Oshkosh. Abstract to Appear.
Re-engaging in Overarching Habits of Mind. Erin Edgington, UW Madison. Abstract to appear.
Session 3: 11:45-1:00 Working Groups (and working lunch!)
Conference participants will form groups based on math practices they would like to re-engage students in, to share issues, ideas, strategies and resources.
12:15-12:30 pm Box Lunches available in Reeve 212
Session 4: Working Group Reports Outcomes and Next Steps
1:10-2:00 pm, Reeve 212
Working Groups will share outcomes of their working groups and propose activities and tasks for WI-AMTE’s membership to engage in over the course of the next year.
Conference Links:
- Conference Registration Page
- Lodging Information
- Map and Driving/Parking Directions (to appear)
- Main Conference Page
If you have any questions…
… please contact the conference committee chair Eric Kuennen at with any questions or comments about the conference.