Our full Conference Program is published here.
We’re Back! The 3rd Annual WI-AMTE conference will be February 28-29, 2024 at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, with a theme of Leaping into the Future! Join us on Leap Day 2024 to renew our efforts to strengthen mathematics education in our state.
The 3rd annual conference of the Wisconsin Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators will focus on what we all can do to support teachers supporting students in our new reality. Conference themes include:
- Integrating AI and other Technologies in the Math Classroom
- Re-engaging Students in Learning in our Post-Pandemic Classrooms
- Detracking and Revising our High School Math Pathways
- Preparing Teachers to Transition into the Classroom
- Mentoring Early and Mid-career Teachers
- Integrating Social Justice in the Math Classroom
- Assessing Effectively and Equitably
The conference will feature invited plenary speakers on the Beauty of Mathematics and on the Future of AI and Technology in the Math Classroom, contributed presentations by conference attendees, and working-group break-out sessions on conference themes to plan on-going and future activities to support quality mathematics teaching in Wisconsin.
If you teach pre-service mathematics teachers, work with student teachers, mentor practicing teachers, or have ideas or need ideas for how to better develop and support high-quality mathematics teachers in Wisconsin, then this conference is for you!
This in-person conference will be held at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh on February 28 and 29, 2024. The conference will run from approximately 5:00 pm -9:00 pm on Wednesday February 28 (including a conference dinner) and from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Thursday February 29.
Conference Highlights
Our full Conference Program is published here.
Wednesday February 28: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Keynote Address by Kevin McLeod, UW Milwaukee
Why We Love Mathematics. These are interesting times to be a mathematics educator. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are still not yet fully understood; there is a growing emphasis on, and increased pressure on us to design, courses which are relevant to students’ future career plans; and mathematics education at all levels is struggling to recruit teachers. At times like these, it is worth reminding ourselves why we entered this profession, and why, despite everything thrown at us, we still love it. In this session we will explore some of the rewards we have collectively experienced as mathematics educators, and will discuss examples of mathematics that we might use to inspire our students, even if they are not directly “relevant” to their future careers.
Plenary Talk by Seth Meyer, St. Norbert College
Slide rules and calculators: where does AI fit in? This talk will explore how artificial neural networks work and describe their uses in large language models (e.g., ChatGPT), image generation (e.g., DALL-E), and similar applications involving content generation. We will then discuss the ethics involved in writing, training, and using these systems. Finally, we will discuss some of the history of technology adoption in mathematics education and explore some of the implications of AI for teaching.
Conference Dinner
Our conference dinner will be at the Fox River Brewing Company Waterfront Restaurant. Stick around for the Math Education Puzzle Contest!
Thursday February 29: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Contributed Talks
Session 1: Integrating Technology in the Classroom
Session 2: Re-engaging Students in Learning in our Post-Pandemic Classrooms
Session 3: Preparing Teachers to Enter the Classroom
Working Groups
Conference participants will form groups based on the issues that they are most interested in, and have time to meet, share problems, plans, and progress, and make plans for continued collaboration. These will be design sessions where groups can create and propose activities and tasks for WI-AMTE’s membership to engage in over the course of the next year. Working Group Topics:
- Integrating AI and other Technologies in the Math Classroom
- Re-engaging Students in Learning in our Post-Pandemic Classrooms
- Detracking and Revising our High School Math Pathways
- Preparing Teachers to Enter the Classroom/Mentoring Early and Mid-career Teachers
- Integrating Social Justice in the Math Classroom/Assessing Effectively and Equitably
Why You Should Attend this Conference:
Whether you are a mathematics teacher or district mathematics leader, or a university mathematics teacher educator, the WI-AMTE Conference can help:
- Provide you with access to a network of district leaders, teachers, and higher education faculty interested in strengthening mathematics education
- Create a forum to discuss challenges in mathematics learning and how those challenges can be addressed through K-16 collaboration
- Connect national and statewide mathematics teacher education policy and resources to local district issues and practice in meaningful ways
Conference Registration
To register for the conference, visit our Conference Registration Page.
Conference Links:
- Conference Program
- Conference Registration Page
- Lodging Information
- Map and Driving/Parking Directions
If you have any questions…
… please contact the conference committee chair Eric Kuennen at kuennene@uwosh.edu with any questions or comments about the conference.