WI-AMTE First Annual Conference – From Novice to Expert: Strengthening the Pathway to Teaching in Wisconsin

To register visit: http://wismath.org/event-3560023

We invite you to join us on October 11th at UW-Stevens Point for a one-day conference focused on mathematics teacher education. Over the course of the day, we will bring together classroom teachers, mentors, coaches, curriculum specialists, administrators, and university faculty to investigate how to strengthen the teacher pathway in the face of many challenges including changes in licensure.

Friday October 11th, 10am-2:30pm

Dreyfus University Center, Room 340

1015 Reserve Street

Stevens Point, WI 54481

Discussion will focus specifically on how to attract more students to the teacher pipeline, how to support and retain those teacher candidates during their student teaching and first years of service, and how to develop them into expert teachers and future mentors and coaches. All participants will work together to share and discuss what we can do, both individually and collectively to meet those goals with a focus on creating working groups to continue this work through the upcoming year and years in order to strengthen mathematics teacher education in Wisconsin. If you have any questions, please contact Josh Hertel (jhertel@uwlax.edu).

Dynamic Discussion 5: A Celebration of Learning

Our final dynamic discussion of the academic year will be on Tuesday, May 21st from 7 to 8 PM. During this discussion, we will celebrate a productive year by having participants share their favorite task, math problem, lesson they have used during the course of year. We will talk about how it promoted student learning, how it might be used in different contexts, and how it might be modified/adjusted for future use. We hope you can join us at: https://uwmsoe.zoom.us/j/477347832

Preservice Teacher Poster Session – This Thursday 3:30 to 4:30 at the WMC Annual Conference in Greenlake

This Thursday (5-2) 15 students from UW-Milwaukee and UW-La Crosse will be presenting their research at the 3rd Annual WI-AMTE Poster Session. Please come to see if their awesome work if you are available!