Click here to find resources from our book study on Invigorating High School Mathematics. This includes steps to begin discussions with local districts, research and policy documents that guide thinking, and links to how others states are tackling issues raised in the text.
Author: Matt Chedister
Happy New Year! And introducing our board for 2022: Eric Kuennen (President), Matt Chedister (Past President), Mike Steele (Secretary), Lynn Schaal (Treasurer), Erin Edgington, and Jennifer Szydlik
WI-AMTE at WMC Virtual Conference!
Join WI-AMTE from 1 to 2 on Saturday, May 8th for a session entitled “Supporting Early Career and New Teachers in the New Normal.” In this session, we look at a case study of an early career mathematics teacher and explore ways to support the unique challenges for this group of teachers through and after COVID. We’ll also touch on how to deal with change and uncertainty in the professional environment.
WI-AMTE Planning Meeting for the 2021-2022 School Year
WI-AMTE will be hosting a meeting to discuss our planned initiatives for the 2021-2022 school years. These include:
- Restarting the pre-pandemic methods discussion group.
- A PD program to confront the concerns over “learning loss” and how to reframe the discussion.
We also are excited to hear other ideas that people have for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in attending or have ideas, please fill out this form. The meeting can be joined at:
Book Study: High School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice
Join WI-AMTE and WMC for an in-depth discussion of the text. Click here to sign up. In our book study, we will explore the guiding theory and practical lessons in the book and share our experiences as we implement these lessons with students. We know that this year is particularly challenging, and we welcome all participants at whatever level you can engage (from reading a chapter when you can to implementing lessons and sharing the outcomes).
This book study is designed for all stakeholders including Teachers, Coaches, Administrators, and Math Instructors at the University and College level. Teachers can sign up as individuals or as faculty groups from their schools.
The discussion will be held virtually over four weeks in March: Wednesday, March 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st from 7 pm-8 pm (CST).
The cost to participate in the book study is $5 and undergraduate students can register for free. You can purchase the book from Corwin or NCTM.
Dynamic Discussion – Filling The Gaps – Working with Students in a COVID and Post-COVID World
Many students have received an uneven experience due to the pandemic and switches between online, hybrid, and online learning. WI-AMTE will be hosting a dynamic discussion on February 24th on 7 PM (Central) to begin the discussion about what these gaps might be, and how we can work to fill in these spaces while still providing students with a robust mathematical education built around conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning, and problem solving. If you are interested attending, please fill in the form here. We look forward to having a great discussion!
September 24, 2020 Dynamic Discussion: Teaching in a World of COVID.
Our latest Dynamic Discussion on teaching practices in a world of COVID is now posted.
Paper Study Video Posted
The video of our latest paper study on Design Principles for Examining Student Practices in a Technology-Mediated Environment is on the Dynamic Discussion Page.
Teaching in the World of COVID: A Dynamic Discussion
Teaching hybrid classes and using distance learning is a challenge for all of us. As we embark on this school year, join us on September 24th at 7 PM to discuss what has worked, what has surprised you, and what challenges lay ahead that we can work together to tackle.
We will use the NCTM/NCSM statement on online learning to help guide our discussion.
The discussion can be joined at this link.
WI-AMTE Paper Study
We will be hosting our first Paper Study discussion of this year on September 10th at 7 PM.
With the realities of COVID, we will be examining ways of using technology to train preservice teachers. Joined by the authors, we will be using the paper Design Principles for Examining Student Practices in a Technology-Mediated Environment as our guide.
Given the changes in licensure and the many statewide discussions surrounding this and other issues, now is a prime time to gather and discuss scholarly articles. These paper studies are relevant to anyone who has a stake in mathematics education including mathematics educators, mathematicians, and practicing and mentor teachers.
The focus papers can be found here.
If you are interested in taking part, please sign up here.