Catalyzing Change Book Study

The Wisconsin Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (WI-AMTE) and the Wisconsin Mathematics Council (WMC) are pleased to announce our fall book study. 
Download the Catalyzing Change Flyer 
Register Now for the Catalyzing Change Book Study

Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics and Catalyzing Change in Middle School Mathematics are a part of the Catalyzing Change Series. This series is a collection of three books intended to initiate the critical conversations on policies, practices, and issues impacting mathematics education. These books also address why the status quo is unacceptable, what collective actions should be taken to change it, and how to make a difference!

Join WI-AMTE and WMC for an in-depth discussion of the text from NCTM, including the implications of the text for teaching in the state of Wisconsin and the development of tasks that meet the demands of the ideas presented in the books. This book study is designed for all stakeholders in Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School Mathematics educations: Teachers, Coaches, Administrators, and Math Instructors at the University and College level.  Teachers can sign up as individuals or as faculty groups from their schools. 

The discussion will be held virtually over four weeks in October: Thursday, October 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd from 4pm-5pm.

Discussions will be held as whole groups and in small grade level groups.  Joining us to facilitate the discussion will be Erin Edgington, Cynthia Cuellar Rodriguez, Lynn Schaal, and others.

The cost to participant in the book study is $30 and includes one of the Catalyzing Change Elementary or Middle School e-book of your choice. Already have a book, then the cost to participate is $5. Undergraduate students can register for free and receive an e-book.

For more information: Contact WI-AMTE President, Matt Chedister at

Write for the Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics

Please consider writing for the Wisconsin Math Council’s journal Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics. The journal is looking for articles that explore wonder, joy, and beauty in both mathematics and the teaching of mathematics. This includes:

  • Present engaging tasks that can be implemented in the Pk–12 classroom.
  • Connect mathematics education research and theory to classroom practice.
  • Showcase innovative uses of technology in the classroom.
  • Focus on work with preservice teachers in the field.
  • Discuss current issues or trends in mathematics education

To be considered for the fall journal, please submit by October 15th and for the spring journal, please submit by March 15th. Journal articles should be around 6 typed pages (although lengths can vary) and can include links to online materials. Questions or submissions can be directed to or For more information, click here.

Catalyzing Change Book Study

WMC and WI-AMTE will be hosting a book study on the Catalyzing Change Book Series focusing specifically on the Elementary and Middle School Texts. There will be breakout sessions specifically focused on each book for in-depth study.

An official sign up page with cost is coming soon. If you are interested in possibly participating or have questions, please consider filling out the form at:

WI-AMTE 2020 Nominations for Elections

It is once again time for nominations for the WI AMTE Board of Directors. Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague. Serving on the WI AMTE board involves a three-year commitment to participate in monthly electronic meetings and the business meeting at the annual conference at the Green Lake Mathematics Conference. The main role of the board is to provide guidance for decisions related to direction for the organization. 
The board is entertaining nominations this year for two 3-year terms running September 2020-August 2023.  We are particularly interested in nominees who are enthusiastic about WI-AMTE and interested in seeing the organization grow. 
Please nominate someone else or yourself by completing the following form by August 18, 2020:

All nominees will be contacted to confirm their nomination, asked to provide a picture of themselves, and submit a short description (max 200 word) of their interests and qualifications. Information about nominees will be posted online at and publicized to the membership. The election will be held electronically from September 1-15, 2020. 
We look forward to receiving your nominations!

WI-AMTE Paper Study: Classroom Ideas for Supporting Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching.

WI-AMTE is excited to host its second paper talk from articles from The Mathematics Enthusiast special issue Support Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Knowledge and Practice for Teaching Content to Prospective (Grade K-8) Teachers.  The paper talk will be on May 27th at 7 PM at

This month we will be focusing on Eric Kuennen and John Beam’s work Teaching the Mathematics that Teachers Need to Know: Classroom Ideas for Supporting Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching.  The authors will join us to describe how to engage preservice teachers “in problem solving as a means of making sense of the content that they will teach and that immerse them in the mathematics practices that they will later need to foster with their own students.”

If you are interested in joining us, please sign up at:

We look forward to an exciting night of mathematical discussion.

WI-AMTE Paper Study

On March 11th at 7 PM during our Dynamic Discussion, we are launching a new program.  Using the newest edition of the Mathematics Enthusiast Special Issue: Supporting Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Knowledge and Practices for Teaching Content to Prospective Teach as our guide, we are hosting a series of paper studies on the education of prospective teachers and the professional development of early career teachers.   Given the changes in licensure and the many statewide discussions surrounding this and other issues, now is a prime time to gather and discuss scholarly articles.  These paper studies are relevant to anyone who has a stake in mathematics education including mathematics educators, mathematicians, and practicing and mentor teachers.

The focus papers can be found at  Our first study will focus on the Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Supporting Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Knowledge and Practices for Teaching Content to Prospective (Grades K-8) Teachers to get a scope of the entire issue  and on the Felton-Koestler’s piece Teaching Sociopolitical Issues in Mathematics Teacher Preparation: What do Mathematics Teacher Educators Need to Know?

If you are interested in taking part, please sign up at: 

The meeting itself will be at hosted at: on March 11 at 7 PM