The Dynamic Discussions of Mathematics is BACK!!!!

Join us again for a fast-paced sixty minutes of sharing and discussion on Thursday, March 31st at 7:00 pm. Our discussion will focus on mentoring pre-service teachers in the development of best practice instructional strategies. This discussion will inspire and empower in-service teachers as they mentor and guide pre-service teachers in their development of best practices.

Sign up for this discussion at the following link by March 24th.

Starting Down the Path of Invigorating High School Mathematics: A (Different Kind of) Book Study

Tuesdays at 5:30-6:30pm Central on 12 April, 17 April, 25 April, and 3 May

WI-AMTE is proud to announce an opportunity to come together and discuss the recent book, Invigorating High School Math: Practical Guidance for Long-Overdue Transformation, authored by longtime friends of the Badger State Steve Leinwand and Eric Milou. This book addresses the most critical challenges facing high school mathematics and provides practical guidance for creating long-term change to the content, pedagogy, and assessment of high school mathematics.

Our different kind of book study group is designed to be the start, but not the end, of a conversation across the state about modernizing mathematics. In addition to discussing some sections of the book (but not all of it!), we’ll be reviewing the resources that exist to support schools and districts in modernizing high school mathematics, and working to create resources of our own to support the invigoration of high school mathematics. We want to position the team that engages in this book study to be able to consult with and support schools and districts as they take on this long-term work. 

Our four sessions will focus on these four topics:

April 12:          Modernizing HS math: opportunities and challenges (Part 1 of the book)
                        discussing opportunities and challenges, exploring the national landscape

April 19:          Content, Courses, and Pathways Session 1 (Chapter 4 of the book)
                        discuss chapter 4, explore available resources, discuss resources to develop

April 25:          Content, Courses, and Pathways Session 2 (Chapter 5 of the book)
                        discuss chapter 4, explore available resources, discuss resources to develop

May 3:             Supporting & promoting high school math invigoration (Chapter 10 of the book)
                        what additional resources do we need and how can we support others?

The book study is free, in part because we’ll be asking for your intellectual contributions in developing resources and your willingness to be a resource to others in the future moving down this path.  To sign up for the session, please use this link. You will need to purchase your own book; the print version is available here and the digital resource is available here.

Dynamic Discussion – Filling The Gaps – Working with Students in a COVID and Post-COVID World

Many students have received an uneven experience due to the pandemic and switches between online, hybrid, and online learning. WI-AMTE will be hosting a dynamic discussion on February 24th on 7 PM (Central) to begin the discussion about what these gaps might be, and how we can work to fill in these spaces while still providing students with a robust mathematical education built around conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning, and problem solving. If you are interested attending, please fill in the form here. We look forward to having a great discussion!

Teaching in the World of COVID: A Dynamic Discussion

Teaching hybrid classes and using distance learning is a challenge for all of us. As we embark on this school year, join us on September 24th at 7 PM to discuss what has worked, what has surprised you, and what challenges lay ahead that we can work together to tackle.

We will use the NCTM/NCSM statement on online learning to help guide our discussion.

The discussion can be joined at this link.

WI-AMTE Paper Study

We will be hosting our first Paper Study discussion of this year on September 10th at 7 PM.

With the realities of COVID, we will be examining ways of using technology to train preservice teachers. Joined by the authors, we will be using the paper Design Principles for Examining Student Practices in a Technology-Mediated Environment as our guide.

Given the changes in licensure and the many statewide discussions surrounding this and other issues, now is a prime time to gather and discuss scholarly articles. These paper studies are relevant to anyone who has a stake in mathematics education including mathematics educators, mathematicians, and practicing and mentor teachers.

The focus papers can be found here.

If you are interested in taking part, please sign up here.

Catalyzing Change Book Study

The Wisconsin Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (WI-AMTE) and the Wisconsin Mathematics Council (WMC) are pleased to announce our fall book study. 
Download the Catalyzing Change Flyer 
Register Now for the Catalyzing Change Book Study

Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics and Catalyzing Change in Middle School Mathematics are a part of the Catalyzing Change Series. This series is a collection of three books intended to initiate the critical conversations on policies, practices, and issues impacting mathematics education. These books also address why the status quo is unacceptable, what collective actions should be taken to change it, and how to make a difference!

Join WI-AMTE and WMC for an in-depth discussion of the text from NCTM, including the implications of the text for teaching in the state of Wisconsin and the development of tasks that meet the demands of the ideas presented in the books. This book study is designed for all stakeholders in Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School Mathematics educations: Teachers, Coaches, Administrators, and Math Instructors at the University and College level.  Teachers can sign up as individuals or as faculty groups from their schools. 

The discussion will be held virtually over four weeks in October: Thursday, October 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd from 4pm-5pm.

Discussions will be held as whole groups and in small grade level groups.  Joining us to facilitate the discussion will be Erin Edgington, Cynthia Cuellar Rodriguez, Lynn Schaal, and others.

The cost to participant in the book study is $30 and includes one of the Catalyzing Change Elementary or Middle School e-book of your choice. Already have a book, then the cost to participate is $5. Undergraduate students can register for free and receive an e-book.

For more information: Contact WI-AMTE President, Matt Chedister at

Write for the Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics

Please consider writing for the Wisconsin Math Council’s journal Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics. The journal is looking for articles that explore wonder, joy, and beauty in both mathematics and the teaching of mathematics. This includes:

  • Present engaging tasks that can be implemented in the Pk–12 classroom.
  • Connect mathematics education research and theory to classroom practice.
  • Showcase innovative uses of technology in the classroom.
  • Focus on work with preservice teachers in the field.
  • Discuss current issues or trends in mathematics education

To be considered for the fall journal, please submit by October 15th and for the spring journal, please submit by March 15th. Journal articles should be around 6 typed pages (although lengths can vary) and can include links to online materials. Questions or submissions can be directed to or For more information, click here.

Catalyzing Change Book Study

WMC and WI-AMTE will be hosting a book study on the Catalyzing Change Book Series focusing specifically on the Elementary and Middle School Texts. There will be breakout sessions specifically focused on each book for in-depth study.

An official sign up page with cost is coming soon. If you are interested in possibly participating or have questions, please consider filling out the form at: